An honest look at yourself

How do you really feel? You may say to others that you feel this way or that way and that you are good at being this way and that way but are you really?

Some people don’t wish to look at themselves honestly. The don’t wish to see that what they have created for themselves in their own lives has been of their own doing. Of their own creation.

Has gossip affected your life and you feel as though you don’t understand why this has occurred and caused such grievous harm for you? If you are honest, if you truly look, if you are truly honest then you already KNOW what has happened. It has occurred because of the law of reaping and sewing aka cause and effect. There is no escaping this law.

It may have occurred for you because you yourself gossip, or have in the past and it has now returned to cause you the same harm that your words and thoughts caused another. It may have happened because you feared for it to happen and therefore created a consciousness form that has now become visible in your world. It may have occurred because at some time, maybe even currently, you sent out poisonous thought forms to another or because you expected it to happen.

You may believe that you can think negative, critical and poisonous thoughts of others and have no harm returned to you, but this is not the case. The law of cause and effect is always at play. Your thoughts ARE energy. This is why you feel depleted after mental stress, sometimes even more so than after physical stress. These indulgences in harmful energetic thoughts are felt by you, sent to another, received by them and by law of cause and effect ARE returned to you in an equal vibrational form.

Your world is only visible consciousness. What you are witnessing is your thoughts, feelings and actions manifesting into what you would call “reality.” The only part of this equation you need to concern yourself with in YOUR OWN MIND and the power that comes from it.

As you go about your daily lives you are constantly using this MIND POWER. It never stops. NO matter what you do, working, eating, conversating, walking, the mind is always active. This action of the mind creates constant streams of energy that affect the energy field in and around you. This energy field affects not only your physical body but all of those who come into this energy field. It affects the visible reality in which you live.

Be honest with yourself, truly honest. How do you really feel about life? How do you really feel about the circumstances and the visible manifestations that surround you, in your environment and as you go about your daily activities. How do you really feel about those whom you encounter on a daily basis?

Your daily thoughts and feelings about these things ARE CREATING YOUR REALITY. If you believe people to be general cruel and self serving then that Is what you will experience. If you believe people to be argumentative and generally displeasing then that is what you have created and that is what you WILL EXPERIENCE.

You may try to blame others and say its THEM and NOT ME. But if you were truly honest then you would be able to see and know and you would become aware that it is your perception, your view of reality and YOUR MIND POWER that has created all of your life circumstance and experiences. When you become aware of this truth, by looking deeply at your life, your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions then you can begin to change the deeply implanted beliefs that are creating this current reality for you.

How much anger, judgment or criticism do you project out into the world on a daily or weekly basis? How much resentment do you project out or into the fabric of the consciousness towards others causing grievous harm to their psyche? What you send out WILL surely be returned to you, causing you the same grievous harm that you send out! This may be long forgotten by the time it has been returned to you. You will have forgotten that it was first yourself and your energetic thoughts, words, beliefs and actions that have now been returned to you. You will seek to place blame around you.

Remember this does not always mean that you did a bad thing and now it has been returned to you. No. You may have feared this or expected it and draw it to yourself through that vibration of fear and expectation.

This is a fact of existence. A deep and divine truth that no one can deny. LOOK and EXAMINE your thoughts, your beliefs, your feelings and your actions and KNOW that it has been you that has created this for yourself. I know that this may be hard to accept. The ego is designed to protect us, to keep us from harm. But as long as we hide behind the ego mask we shall not see truth for what it truly is.

When you know, accept and live this divine truth, you will see visibly that your world changes. You can remove yourself from any poverty and despair into uplifted joy and happiness. What a wonderful thing it is to have FREE WILL, you can choose to change anything about yourself at any given moment! You must first EXAMINE YOUR THOUGHTS and your BELIEFS and your FEELINGS about yourself, others and the world generally as what you expect will be realized.

This free will that we have been gifted, is SUCH A WONDERFUL GIFT! We can use it to create heaven or hell for ourselves. This is our CHOICE! What a wonderful thing it is to know that we don’t have to be held and locked down by previous experiences and that we can , minute by minute, think new thoughts, new feelings, taking new actions and create for ourselves Heaven on Earth and begin to give as the angels give, with a loving thought.

When you become aware, through deep self reflection, you will see that what I am speaking of is the truth. You can then make new choices. Heal your emotions, heal your expectant beliefs and get in touch with the divine love that is all around you if you but only seek it daily. You can do NO HARM to others or to yourself by living in a state of LOVE. The only thing that will be returned to you IS LOVE when you constantly minute by minute send out vibrations of love. 😍




Learning as we progress through life


Your BELIEFS are your reality