Michelle sinclair Michelle sinclair

Heaven or Hell

The Powers of Healing Hypnosis. Hypnotherapy has helped my clients have massive success in their lives. Leaving behind persistent sadness and worry and finding REAL HAPPINESS with themselves and their lives. The IFF program I offer helps you to escape from the hellish thoughts that dictate your life and move into a more heavenly and loving existence. Powerful healing hypnosis has transformed my life and the lives of so many of my clients. I love my clients and would love you to be a part of the many successful people I have worked with. Love to everyone who is reading this and those who aren’t!

Perhaps you have had this happen to you before. You are having the best day and someone comes in, having a bad day, very soon you have been sucked down in the depths of hell with them. You didn’t want this to happen. Maybe it even makes you upset, with them ,that your day has been ruined or maybe you feel you don’t want to push your “good day” on them when they are suffering.

We have a choice, to get dragged down, although often it doesn’t feel like it. I know personally, when I have to deal with someone who gets worked up and upset at other people or situations it pushes my buttons and I can not be a part of it. This is one of the reason why in this past year I have had to cut certain people off, who at one point, were a huge part of my life. I couldn’t stand to be drug down into hell again and again. It is hard to maintain an uplifted state when those who surround you are not in alignment with you and not wanting to be either.

We do however, despite it being uncomfortable, have a choice. We can choose to be drug down or choose to stay in our uplifted state. Sometimes however the signs are clear that certain people just are not meant to travel on this journey with us any longer.

How can we maintain or even achieve this heavenly state of being?

  1. We must cleanse our consciousness of all of the negative reactions to life. This means automatic negative thoughts about ones self, others or the world generally.

  2. We must heal at the core of our being. The deepest parts of us, OUR PAST, the root of our automatic responses to life.

  3. Once we have healed our past, ALL OF IT, we then have a choice of what to replace it with. For my clients we choose heaven/love. Thoughts that feel like heaven and therefore attract heavenly experiences in to our world. This is shown by rapid manifesting and by an uplifted and content state of being consistently.

  4. Once we have cleansed and had revelations of deeper truths, by this process of clearing and cleansing, we can then do a daily practice of checking in. This , for myself, looks like waking up in the morning and before getting out of bed checking in with yourself and asking “ What percent of heaven am I living in right now?” If it’s below 100% then finding the issue or belief and healing it before you even get out of your bed in the morning. This is something I teach my clients as we work through the IFF ( Inner Freedom Formula) program.

  5. Speak what you want over and over and BELIEVE that everything, every, single, thing, is for YOUR BENEFIT.

Now I am not saying that if you are going through something traumatic that has just happened that this will even be possible right now. You are certainly allowed to have bad days and even bad weeks or months (depending on what is going on). When you are ready, it is time to heal. Once you have healed, this daily check in will get easier and easier and easier every single day.

As for those bad days….

In the last several months I can count on one hand the amount of “bad days” I have had. Keep in mind I am currently going through a divorce. I had 2 bad days in a row where I was extremely angry about what happened in my relationship. I was feeling bad for myself and very angry at my ex for what happened. These couple of bad days had me feeling even worse about myself because of how I was reacting. How could I let myself get dragged down like this again?????

Here is the good part. After the couple of bad days, I felt myself life even higher than I had been before. I learned something very valuable and because of those “bad days” I had more benefits and an even higher feeling of upliftment come to me.

Since those 2 bad days, in a row, I had another. Recently. Once again, I was dragged down and this time, after being triggered by some negative behavior that I had thought I had completely separated myself from. BUT GUESS WHAT?! Even from this I have made gains.

I have found massive amounts of closure from this person/situation. I know that I am SO LOVED that the Divine will offer me every opportunity to keep moving forward on my path and never go backwards. (for more than a day or two). I believe (and because I believe) I am shown proof of my beliefs daily. I believe that when something doesn’t “work out” it is actually REALLY WORKING OUT!

When we heal our past we can choose to have new thoughts to what is happening in the world around us. Rather than seeing patterns in our life repeat over and over and over and having self fulfilled NEGATIVE PROPHECIES come true, we can change them to something much better.

Imagine you have an empty chalk board. This board is about your life. Nothing has been written on it yet. Your parents aren’t on there, friends, knowledge NONE OF IT, it is blank. You can begin writing the story anew. You can choose to put good thoughts, beliefs and feelings on this board. You can write beautiful mantras that uplift you and those around you. You can decide what it is that you want to create for yourself. As you begin to fill up the board you will notice that you would never WILLINGLY CHOOSE to write awful things on that board. It would be detrimental to your success.

This is how it works when we cleanse the mind. We relieve ourselves of the past burdens that are sitting there underneath the surface, waiting to rear their ugly heads as soon as they have the opportunity. The past situations determine how we feel about ourselves, what we think about ourselves, others and the world generally. When we heal them then our story changes. We don’t erase these things, we heal them, we see them in a new light, we find the lesson and the blessing.

If you have been feeling bad about yourself, not able to see another way, even though you KNOW YOU WANT TO DO THINGS ANOTHER WAY but you just can’t manage it, it is because inner healing is needed.

When I work with my clients, it is sessions, not months or years working on the same issue. It is RAPID healing. You come feeling low and leave feeling much higher and much better. When I work with my clients my goal, always, is to have you leave the hellish, lower vibration thoughts behind and introduce more loving and heavenly thoughts into your consciousness and the world generally. These changes happen within your mind and your brain. Then, the automatic thoughts that come feel so much better than they did before.

The more you heal, the faster you can manifest. The more you heal, the happier you are. The more you heal, the more wonderful things will flow into your life. The more you heal, the less you have to heal.

If you are reading this, it is because you are on your own personal and spiritual growth journey. I am so glad you found me! If you have any questions or would like to ask more about the IFF please send me an email, I would love to get in touch!

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Michelle sinclair Michelle sinclair

Learning as we progress through life

Sometimes it takes a day to learn a lesson. Usually this happens when we had to learn something the hard way. We make a mistake and realize it was much worse than a mistake because it affected someone else so grievously. Sometimes however, the lesson takes a long time to learn.

Perhaps we take a moment, to go over and defend our actions for a moment, insisting we can’t truly be THAT wrong and THAT horrible. Yet, this insistence upon our rightness does nothing to solve or help or grow or learn in any way.

Sometimes, the life that follows along after a misstep , intentional or not, is hard. It is through these hard times that we are forced to look at ourselves because IF we do NOT look at ourselves history will be doomed to repeat again in the future. If you only want to learn the lesson once, then healing and growing is the only option.

Typically we , as humans, like to punish ourselves. I say we like this because we feel it must be done (unless of course you are a psychopath) in order to pay the crime for what we have done to another. Our self punishment however, has no expiry date. There is no Best Before or Bad After date that we can set a clock to and say “Well, today is the day I can stop punishing myself.” Since there is no expiry we just let it sit, and fester and become old and moldy and the longer it sits there, in your subconscious, the grosser and denser it becomes.

I have had so many clients holding onto guilt from 20, 30 ,40 ,70 years in the past. Self inflicted punishments. I am of course a part of this guilt group as well. You are not alone in this. We believe we MUST PAY FOR WHAT WE HAVE DONE but there are no rules or guidelines and no one telling us HOW or WHEN exactly enough is enough.

Will you ever do that thing again?

Have you become more thoughtful and more mature because of the travesty?

Have you grown as a person in a loving way because of it? If not, there is more work to be done before you will be ready to release this pain.

Perhaps we learn. We would never do what we did again, ever, but the guilt remains.

How do we determine first of all when to let it go and heal and how do we determine if we are even worthy of being able to do so?

AS LONG AS we ARE LIVING IN A PLACE OF FEAR we can not be free. Fear has many voices but it is easy to determine fear from Love.

Fear will say to you and be insistent that you are; Guilty, not good enough, not worthy of forgiveness, not deserving, not important, not valuable, you don’t matter only others do, not worthy of the goodness in this world, stupid, a waste of skin and many other things. ‘How could you!!???” fear will whisper to you over and over and over and over….

However, Love does not do this.

Love’s voice is a very different one, a truthful one, a kind one, an honest one.

Love will speak to you very differently than fear.

Love will say; You are good enough my dear, you are worthy of the wonderful, you are so important, you deserve the good, you have so much value, you matter, you have learned, you have grown, you have become better than you were, you have become stronger than you were, you are a gift, you are not your mistakes. Love will let you know that once you have learned what you needed to from what happened you can set yourself free. Love will be nothing other than what it is, love.

Now in this life we have choices, daily choices, minute by minute, all day every day, we make choices. Sometimes, we think the choices that we make are made for us, they aren’t. Even if another person was making choices for you, you allowing that in itself IS a choice.

The things we choose to think about or speak about are also choices. When we spend time thinking about our self punishment we are wasting our valuable energy on something that WILL NEVER HAVE a fruitful return to us. Ever. If you have learned from what happened, that IS enough. These mountains we were meant only to climb, not to carry.

If I was to burn myself on the stove, OUCH, I would heal it. I would nurture it and care for it and protect it until it was healed. After it was healed I wouldn’t go back over and over and over and over thinking about the pain and how stupid it was and certainly would avoid hurting myself again at all costs. I would heal and move forward.

However if I had burned someone else it might be quite different. I would feel awful for what I had done. I would immerse myself in their pain as much as possible ( for some reason believing this might help them in some way) I would apologize and if my apology was met with distain I would continue over and over to punish myself. This might go on for days, weeks, months , years or even a life time.

People are inherently good. They usually want what is best for others ( if not, find new people immediately). People like for others to think well of them and tend to like to be kind and generous. When something that goes against this happens, punishments ensue. It began as children, done by our parents and continues long after someone else is no longer there to punish us. Sometimes we choose partners that will punish us and we will stay with them because we feel we deserve it. (don’t do this)

So how can we forgive ourselves when we know we are doing or have done something that has hurt someone else?

One step at a time.

First you need to have an honest conversation with yourself about how mad you STILL are at yourself for what has happened. Close your eyes and get into a deep meditative state, 10 breaths and then count from 10-1 envisioning each number and RELAX.

Then call yourself forward, the younger you that you are mad at and TELL THEM OFF. DON’T hold back… Tell them why you are mad, what you think of them, all of it, let it all out. Do that now, take a few moments and then come back to this article.

NEXT be your younger self and RESPOND back to yourself. Do that now.

Then I want you to say to your younger self ; “I am so sorry for what I have done to you and what I think of you, please forgive me. I am so sorry that I blame you and shame you and guilt you and hurt you every time I do this, please forgive me. I know you would never do what you did ever again, I know that you have learned and become much stronger and much better since then. I am sorry for being so awful to you, you don’t deserve that , please forgive me.”

THEN envision yourself, the two separate you’s coming together as one. As you do this agree to work together not against each other in the future. Feel the strength and power that comes from that. Sit in that feeing for a bit.

Then return to the room and repeat this for as many days as necessary.

Why do this?

We are creating the fabric of our lives with every thought that we have. When our thoughts are fearful thoughts we will create fearful realities. When we have these lower vibrational thoughts of ourselves, we lower our bodies energies and our capacity to live from a place of love. We perpetuate the past onto our future circumstances every time we dwell on the lower vibrations of the past and those unforgiven parts of us.

We may believe that by punishing ourselves we are loving others because our remorse somehow helps the person we have harmed. Yes, this is true that we must show remorse and it must be genuine and given for as long as it is needed. However, once this time has passed its time to heal this. Have you apologized to that person or whomever it affected? You must. If you have done this and it was sincere and when you have done all you can to make it right then the only thing left is forgiveness of self.

The Bible told us to forgive 127 times and to be thankful 157 times. It must be important.

When you can combine the two together its a wonderful combination. Showing yourself forgiveness and thankfulness for the lesson learned, the growth gained, the challenges that were overcome. We must be thankful for even the awful because it is in the awful that we learn what we truly value, what we truly want and who we want to be.

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Michelle sinclair Michelle sinclair

An honest look at yourself

It all begins with an idea.

How do you really feel? You may say to others that you feel this way or that way and that you are good at being this way and that way but are you really?

Some people don’t wish to look at themselves honestly. The don’t wish to see that what they have created for themselves in their own lives has been of their own doing. Of their own creation.

Has gossip affected your life and you feel as though you don’t understand why this has occurred and caused such grievous harm for you? If you are honest, if you truly look, if you are truly honest then you already KNOW what has happened. It has occurred because of the law of reaping and sewing aka cause and effect. There is no escaping this law.

It may have occurred for you because you yourself gossip, or have in the past and it has now returned to cause you the same harm that your words and thoughts caused another. It may have happened because you feared for it to happen and therefore created a consciousness form that has now become visible in your world. It may have occurred because at some time, maybe even currently, you sent out poisonous thought forms to another or because you expected it to happen.

You may believe that you can think negative, critical and poisonous thoughts of others and have no harm returned to you, but this is not the case. The law of cause and effect is always at play. Your thoughts ARE energy. This is why you feel depleted after mental stress, sometimes even more so than after physical stress. These indulgences in harmful energetic thoughts are felt by you, sent to another, received by them and by law of cause and effect ARE returned to you in an equal vibrational form.

Your world is only visible consciousness. What you are witnessing is your thoughts, feelings and actions manifesting into what you would call “reality.” The only part of this equation you need to concern yourself with in YOUR OWN MIND and the power that comes from it.

As you go about your daily lives you are constantly using this MIND POWER. It never stops. NO matter what you do, working, eating, conversating, walking, the mind is always active. This action of the mind creates constant streams of energy that affect the energy field in and around you. This energy field affects not only your physical body but all of those who come into this energy field. It affects the visible reality in which you live.

Be honest with yourself, truly honest. How do you really feel about life? How do you really feel about the circumstances and the visible manifestations that surround you, in your environment and as you go about your daily activities. How do you really feel about those whom you encounter on a daily basis?

Your daily thoughts and feelings about these things ARE CREATING YOUR REALITY. If you believe people to be general cruel and self serving then that Is what you will experience. If you believe people to be argumentative and generally displeasing then that is what you have created and that is what you WILL EXPERIENCE.

You may try to blame others and say its THEM and NOT ME. But if you were truly honest then you would be able to see and know and you would become aware that it is your perception, your view of reality and YOUR MIND POWER that has created all of your life circumstance and experiences. When you become aware of this truth, by looking deeply at your life, your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions then you can begin to change the deeply implanted beliefs that are creating this current reality for you.

How much anger, judgment or criticism do you project out into the world on a daily or weekly basis? How much resentment do you project out or into the fabric of the consciousness towards others causing grievous harm to their psyche? What you send out WILL surely be returned to you, causing you the same grievous harm that you send out! This may be long forgotten by the time it has been returned to you. You will have forgotten that it was first yourself and your energetic thoughts, words, beliefs and actions that have now been returned to you. You will seek to place blame around you.

Remember this does not always mean that you did a bad thing and now it has been returned to you. No. You may have feared this or expected it and draw it to yourself through that vibration of fear and expectation.

This is a fact of existence. A deep and divine truth that no one can deny. LOOK and EXAMINE your thoughts, your beliefs, your feelings and your actions and KNOW that it has been you that has created this for yourself. I know that this may be hard to accept. The ego is designed to protect us, to keep us from harm. But as long as we hide behind the ego mask we shall not see truth for what it truly is.

When you know, accept and live this divine truth, you will see visibly that your world changes. You can remove yourself from any poverty and despair into uplifted joy and happiness. What a wonderful thing it is to have FREE WILL, you can choose to change anything about yourself at any given moment! You must first EXAMINE YOUR THOUGHTS and your BELIEFS and your FEELINGS about yourself, others and the world generally as what you expect will be realized.

This free will that we have been gifted, is SUCH A WONDERFUL GIFT! We can use it to create heaven or hell for ourselves. This is our CHOICE! What a wonderful thing it is to know that we don’t have to be held and locked down by previous experiences and that we can , minute by minute, think new thoughts, new feelings, taking new actions and create for ourselves Heaven on Earth and begin to give as the angels give, with a loving thought.

When you become aware, through deep self reflection, you will see that what I am speaking of is the truth. You can then make new choices. Heal your emotions, heal your expectant beliefs and get in touch with the divine love that is all around you if you but only seek it daily. You can do NO HARM to others or to yourself by living in a state of LOVE. The only thing that will be returned to you IS LOVE when you constantly minute by minute send out vibrations of love. 😍



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Michelle sinclair Michelle sinclair

Your BELIEFS are your reality

Your beliefs are constantly minute by minute creating your reality

If you want to sign up for Sunday morning tea. We will be discussing Universal Truth which will lead to transformation in the way that you think and perceive the world that you are living in. This change in perception will help you to live more from a soul level rather than an ego level. As you begin to realize that it truly is YOU, your Thoughts, your MIND that IS creating your reality you can begin to Transend the previous ego thoughts and live in a more heavenly existence. Perception IS reality. What does this even mean?

If I held a belief that people don’t like me and I noticed someone was looking at me there would be all kinds of perceptions that could come in to my awareness and into my mind. None of these may actually be truth although they would be as good as true for me, because I would believe them. So if someone looked at me and I had low self-esteem I may think they are judging me, perhaps my appearance, perhaps the way I am dressed, the way that I walk or talk or how I am carrying myself. This would make me feel even worse about myself and would, for me, confirm the belief that I held. Quite a hellish belief. This belief would be further cemented into my consciousness creating an even strong hold, making this belief even more cherish or held close than before the incident. Now more than likely because this incident occurred there would be several and perhaps even daily subsequent recurrences of this, as the past repeats itself in our reality. This may lead to me not even wanting to leave my house, becoming more secluded and eventually perhaps cutting of friends, maybe even family and certainly would lead to me not wanting to live a fun and outgoing social life because of this belief that I hold.

Now at no point does the story above mean that any part of that story was actually TRUTH. It certainly was not divine truth, although any belief that we hold we will prove to be true with our MIND. AS OUR MIND CREATES our reality this strongly held and cherished belief would make itself known and manifest in our version of reality, thus appearing to us to be REAL.

Now, if I held a belief that generally I am a likeable person and people like me and think I am fun to be around, thus creating THIS BELIEF to be MY REALITY. Then when walking down the street if someone were to look at me I would probably think a nice thought about them. “Oh, look that at that person, I bet they are nice, what a nice day it is out today. Those trees sure look nice, what beautiful flowers are growing there. The sun sure feels nice today.” This strongly held and dear belief would be MY REALITY. A heavenly reality. It would appear in every facet of my life. I would view the world as more beautiful and the people that I would encounter In my life would be kind and friendly and open to my conversations and would further cement this reality into my world. This would lead to my life being more joyous, happy, prosperous and filled with every facet of wonderful and happy things.

This IS TRUTH. This IS divine reality. You will know the truth and the truth will set you free, as long as you live think and act on this reality.

If you are living in the former it does not mean that what you are experiencing in your life is not YOUR REALITY. It also does not mean that you are stuck in the reality forever. This CAN be changed. As we let go of the judgement and criticisms and rejections and repulsions of life, we become more open to receive what is truly here in front of us.

Our world and everything in it is perfect. It is merely our thinking that needs to change so we can see the visible manifestation of THIS TRUE reality with our eyes.

As Jesus created his miracles, he KNEW this. He did not DOUBT. He had total FAITH. It was though this knowing of the reality of divine consciousness that he knew the world is just a visible manifestation of MIND POWER. This mind power is what creates our reality.

 Let me give you another example of this. The Placebo effect.

There have been many studies showing the effects of the use of placebo in treatment. In some cases, leading to significant improvements and even full recovery.

No one can truly know the mind of those who are participating in these studies. No one can know if those who don’t make a full recovery didn’t believe that they would receive full recovery. The medicines that are created were first created by men’s minds and their belief in them. Everything comes from divine mind and belief.

Interwoven in these medicines are BELIEF. First from the creators of them, and every person through which this medicine is prescribed and also filled and then given to the patient. Everything is belief and what you are witnessing when you see and experience the placebo effect is a visible manifestation of BELIEF.

Believe in what you want to create. Believe In the good.

May 9th, 2023- Michelle Sinclair

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Michelle sinclair Michelle sinclair

How to get unstuck

Why you get stuck and how to get unstuck!

First of all I need to tell you why you are stuck in the first place. If you are stuck I believe it is safe to assume you have ruminating thoughts of “I’m not sure what to do.” You may be going over a certain situation that you are trying to either figure out or remedy over and over and over. Sound familiar? Then keep reading.

I have been there and let me tell you, those years were hell. So many thoughts DAILY about the issue at hand. “What do i do about this?” “What if i choose something and it turns out to be a big mistake?” “What if I make this choice and completely screw up my life?!” “What if I decide this and then I can’t go back to how it was before I made my decision!” “What if this is already the best that it gets for me?” One word can sum it up-STRESS. It is stressful and confusing to be in this state.

Think of the energy that you have in a day to be about the size of a watermelon. (stay with me 😂) Every day you only have so much of this energy to go about your day, do your daily tasks, make decisions, expend physical energy etc. Now, when we spend, for example, half of that watermelon on a ruminating thought we then limit our energy. We are left with HALF of the potential WHOLE. Now, if you are anything like me I wasn’t spending half, it was SIGNIFICANTLY more than that. I would estimate I had about 30% of my energy each day to cook, clean, work, care for kids, exercise etc. The rest, the other 70%, was spent on trying to figure out what the heck I was going to do!

Have you ever had a day where physically you did almost nothing? Come the end of the day you are completely exhausted despite having done nothing physically. This is because our THOUGHTS ARE ENERGY. What we spend it on MATTERS. When you are left feeing stuck and depleted it is because you have WASTED this energy THINKING THINGS that are clearly NOT HELPING you.

So what can you do?

I am going to tell you what I did first. I will tell you also how I would deal with this subconsciously because that is how I would help my clients.

First of all, you aren’t going to figure it out sooner than you are meant to figure it out. So don’t worry, this hasn’t been wasted time, its been learning time. Sometimes we have to learn what NOT DO TO, in order to learn what TO DO in the future. You are not behind, its ok to be where you are at in this moment. Reading a blog and trying to figure it all out. Good job, your on it!

Now for me, it was when I stepped away that I knew what to do. I mean I literally stepped away. Over about a years time, I left my house to go and make content for my YouTube channel a couple of times. I would go for a couple of weeks or a week and a bit here and there. Long enough to get into FLOW and get a crap pile of work done for my channel in a short amount of time. Each time I would go there was a bit of a process, meditate, do yoga, dance, be alone, zero cell phone use ( I know right?…we had no WIFI and WOW was that ever a game changer when you are trying to figure things out), connect with the Divine, write, read and work.

Every time I would leave, I felt AMAZING. I ad completely reset myself. Among other things I have an extraordinary enlightening experience. (I’ll save that for another blog) Time after time I would leave home, do this, come back and feel amazing. The problem was I would go back home and sometimes within minutes the high I had been on was gone. Sometimes it didn’t even last past the edge of town.

If you know me at all, then you may know that I believed everything comes from inside of us. So, I would try to figure out what it was inside me that was causing this stuckness. It was very fucky and unenjoyable and seemed like the fuckiness wasn’t ever going to leave me. It did.

I left again, but this time on a different trip. It was within moments of leaving that I felt a surge in energy come to me. I felt uplifted. It was a series of events over the following days that lead me to realize I needed to leave where I was. YES indeed MOST THINGS come from within us but sometimes they also come from outside factors. This was the common link. Every time I left energy went up, every time I returned energy came back down. I had my answer. It was time to leave. I didn’t know all the details but I knew the Divine would take care of me, because I had been told this.

I spent over a year constantly bugging my friends, “This happened, what do I do? I don’t know what to do!!” back and forth and back and forth I went over and over and over. They told me “ You’ll just figure it out, only you know, you’ll know when you know.” They were absolutely right.

So to sum that up what exactly did I do? I stepped away. I literally stepped away from the situation at every opportunity I got and eventually that answer I needed just came. When I was away from the issue, I wouldn’t think about it, I wouldn’t give it my time, I just forgot about it for a while. This is when the insights came. WHY? It came because I was then working with ALL OF MY ENERGY. I wasn’t giving it away to over thinking, I was keeping it for myself to do things I enjoyed. Have you ever forgot someone’s name? Then when they leave and you aren’t thinking of it anymore their name just pops into your head? Its similar to this.

ADVICE #1 - Step away , do something else and STOP THINKING ABOUT IT. Trust me on this, what you have done so far hasn’t worked. Its inevitable that it also won’t work tomorrow or the next day or the next day, as long as you continue to do what you’ve always done. So , honestly what do you have to lose? Give this a shot.

Subconsciously what can you do?

The subconscious mind works in pictures and images, also with feelings. So making this as general as possible what you could do for yourself is first off relieve yourself from the pressure. When we hold pressure, not only does it make us feel stressed and awful, it doesn’t actually help us choose anything. It just makes us feel like we need to choose something immediately, we don't, it’s ok, you’ve got time.

A Pressure Relieving meditation : FYI I have a PILE of YouTube videos you could use for this. A really good one for this is the 5 minutes before bed meditation. https://youtu.be/F1ZrbeQ1wHE

Close your eyes and just breath a couple of times. Feel your breath. Then imagine that pressure in your body. Give that pressure a size, a shape, a color, a smell , a taste and even a sound. Once you have done this imagine shoving that “thing” into a jar. Put on the lid. Then throw it so far away that it is out of site. Sit in the calm space that you are left with for as long as is comfortable.

What happens when you do this, is you are sending a subconscious signal to your mind to actually let go of the pressure. You may need to do this daily for a while but as you do you will notice a change. Now, not only are we putting on pressure but also Stress, Worry, maybe even anxiety and depression, fear of failure etc. There are so many facets that can be attached to this. If you check out the mental cleanse series I created on YouTube you can work through each individual emotion. https://youtu.be/bVt6qGRzRUU The mental cleanse series is subconscious healing, best part, its all free!

Another thing you can do - Imagine putting that ruminating thought on a shelf, anytime it comes up. Take the actual thought, imagine you are putting it in a box and placing it on a shelf. Turn away from it and think about something that makes you happy. Puppies for example. If puppies don’t make you happy, then I don’t know what will….😂 Also, we would not make good friends. No puppy haters allowed. For realzzzzz though.

If you were my client what would I do with you?

First of all, I would love you because you are my client lol, seriously, I would…😆 😍! Secondly I would regress you, like I do with 98% of my clients. I would take that stuck feeling you are experiencing and would follow it back to when it began. Now this wouldn’t necessarily be when you are thinking of. Sometimes these feelings start years or even life times before we experience them again. By doing this and healing the stuck feeling, it frees up your energy, this is how clarity comes.

There would be many facets to the feeling of being stuck, so many feelings around it. We would work through them all. By doing this not only will clarity come but you will just FEEL BETTER. When we feel better things become clear, our value goes up, our worth and confidence go up , our self trust, self care and self love go up. When these things are at optimal levels we are able to take action and GET UNSTUCK!

Thanks for taking the time to CARE enough about YOURSELF to want to grow past this stuckness. You will make it out, no one stays stuck forever, they just don’t. I also want to let you know that you are VALUABLE. If you TRULY believed this TRUTH what would you do in your current stuck situation?

Til next time 😉

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