The science of creation
The purpose of creation was to express LOVE in its truest form and allow for all of creation to evolve and grow with this love. What is exciting to me is that this pure love in which I have felt and experienced at my deepest core is constantly evolving. This means in 1000 years it will be even more evolved than it is now. What a wonderful thing! Incomprehensible to me that something as wonderful as it already is could be even better. How this is possible, to be greater than it presently is, I am not even sure but I cannot wait to experience it!
In the beginning was consciousness. The bible will say it was “THE WORD”(which did create it!) however, there can be no words without thought behind them, without intention. In the beginning was consciousness. Consciousness IS LIFE and life is consciousness.
Everything that you experience in life is experienced through your consciousness. Your consciousness and mine are very different. We all have a unique consciousness. However, there is a common thread that binds us all. This is the collective consciousness. It all comes from one large pool of consciousness. We all share it. None of it good or bad or right or wrong. It all serves purpose, for the evolution and healing of all. When we get to a point where we say “We shall not stand for this any longer,” then the shift will occur.
We were created to come back to our true selves, our pure love selves. This is quite tricky to do while here on earth because we have limitless distractions that can keep us from doing the work we need to do in order to heal and grow. If you are reading this you are already know that you are not a victim of your reality but the creator of it. Good work for your insight.
There is no higher evolution that you can seek, than that of being in alignment with divine love.
Our universe is not solid matter. Jesus knew this, thus he was able to create ‘miracles of matter’ because he understood the laws of the universe. – some of my clients have also witnessed this as they have had “seemingly miraculous healings”- what they are actually a witness to is the divine love that has been awakened from equilibrium and made manifest. They are witnessing the truest expression of Divine Love- perfect love (Whether this be experienced in mind, body or spirit).
As stated above the universe is not solid. Our scientists know this also. They will tell you that what you are witnessing are tiny particles of energy vibrating very rapidly and thus creating the appearance of solid matter. There is however, many things that science cannot tell you.
They can tell you about the law of cause and effect. They can tell you how energy can be sent out, seemingly disappear only to at some point return again in the future. They can tell you that when objects are observed they can witness changes in the forms of those obects. They can tell you so many things that will attest to what I am speaking of in regards to reaping and sowing but they cannot tell you WHAT it is that they are witnessing and from whence it came.
I will tell you that thoughts are electromagnetic. That a strongly held belief will manifest and be made visible in your world by that belief. I can tell you that what you send out that is the highest good, in form of thought, words and actions, will be made visible in your life through some means. Thus can also be said for the lowest forms of thoughts, words and actions.
The SPACE in our universe is that of unexpressed divine love sitting at a state of rest in equilibrium OR it is active already with consciousness and expressing it in whatever form it was manifested in.
What scientist call space {Because they do not understand what it is) is in everything. There is space within your cells. This “space” within your cells is daily imbued with your thoughts. Thus, the condition of the vehicle (the body) is also a visible expression of the thoughts held within the mind.
I must add here that any disease or discomfort in the body FIRST began in the mind. Therefore, it can also be removed in the same fashion, with the mind.
There is space in the “air” all around you. There is space that reaches the farthest reaches of the galaxy. All of this space waits in divine equilibrium to be made known or be made manifest through consciousness.
All of creation was made to express the divine nature. Those things which are in closest alignment with the true divine nature – which is a state of unfathomable love- bring about goodness and harmony, laughter and beauty into the world. Therefore, if your thoughts are in alignment with the true divine nature, you will send out only the goodness and only the goodness will be returned back to you. I am speaking for you a fact of existence.
Those things which oppose the true divine nature- anger, aggression, frustration, jealously, hatred, condemnation, spite, revenge, devious dealings, scorn, slander, rape, murder, thievery etc…bring about a negative consciousness form, which if you were the originator of such low consciousness forms- these things will be returned back to you.
Our UNIVERSE was not made to punish you. It was made expressly to show you the true divine nature. This DIVINE nature in equilibrium is waiting for you to discover it and express it.
The way to discover it- is to remove all that it is not. The only barricades that are set up between you and this pure divine expression have been set in place through your low vibrational thought forms which plague most people minute to minute, day after day after day. It is of your own doing, although it may not seem this way. The mind is hard to gain control of when we let it run wild. It can cause all kind of damage, which will come back to roost, if we allow it. It can also be the cause of all of the goodness, if we allow it.
I will go into more details about the “Big Bang” and the intelligent consciousness which drew together electrical particles and all of the loving purposefulness seen in all of creation in a later post. Until then, know that what you are witnessing in your life has been made manifest through your continual thoughts and attitudes and beliefs about life. What you are witnessing in your life is of your very own creation.
Therefore, do not be angry at your circumstances but examine your past, your mindset, your daily grumblings, criticisms and complaints and know that each of these has set forth your current circumstances. ONLY THE THOUGHTS AND WORDS AND ACTIONS THAT ARE IN ALIGNEMENT WITH THE DIVINES TRUE NATURE OF LOVE WILL BRING ABOUT FULFILLMENT, HARMONY AND JOY. - all other words and thoughts will bring back to you exactly what you have sent forth.
Want to watch a video on reaping and sowing? Click here. Why it is of vital importance to understand how creation began, will become clear to you as this story unfolds.
Our universe is in a state of divine equilibrium. All of that which scientist deem ‘space’, because they do not understand what it is, is in a state of ‘rest’. It is waiting in ‘rest’ (equilibrium) to be activated through consciousness.
All of that which you see visibly with the human eyes IS CONSCIOUSNESS MADE VISIBLE. It is through mans, thoughts, words, actions and BELIEF that all things visible have come to be.
The universe is composed of tiny electrical particles vibrating together at very high rates of speed which create the visible things in which you see and compose your world. THE WORLD IS NOT SOLID. Jesus knew this and could because of this knowledge ‘control the elements’.
Have you ever seen one of those high tech cameras that can actually capture the energy in a photo? I remember reading and seeing a photo of a plant who’s leaf had been plucked off, YET the leaf still appeared to be present AFTER it had already been removed in the photo. WE ARE NOT THE FLESH AND BONE WE APPEAR TO BE BUT ARE THE ENERGY that sustains it.
The thing that imbues this energy, to which we are, is MIND POWER. THOUGHT.
In the beginning was the “word” is what the bible claims. However, in the beginning was CONSCIOUSNESS. This is the beginning of it all. One cannot speak or think or do anything without consciousness. It is through consciousness that things can be and are created. Where there is life there is consciousness and where there is consciousness there IS life.
The bible talks about words being spoken and thus creation forming. It goes on to say these words were spoken and these things were ‘created’ BUT THEY DID NOT YET EXIST. This is teaching us the fundamental basics. Consciousness- First. Words spoken with belief- Second. The visible manifestation of that thing- Third. This is showing us also that there appears to be a waiting period between the 2nd (words spoken) and the 3rd becoming visible.
The more spiritually evolved and uplifted you are THE FASTER your words will affect the environment. You will be able to speak words with intention and have them instantly manifest if that is what is needed.
The less spiritually evolved will take much slower of a time to manifest (generally). Words and actions may be spoken or created YEARS previous and when the time comes to harvest that of one’s own sowing, the sowing will have been long forgotten.
The universe sits in a state of perfect equilibrium between the divine impulse of mother consciousness and father consciousness. This is perfect balance of care, protection, fulfillment of need, love all within a a system of law and order. This state of “rest” lays dormant until activated through consciousness impulses. It then will take on the outer form to which its inner consciousness compels it to do. Thus creation from a consciousness impulse – which is imbued with energy- to visible outer manifestation. ‘It’ becomes what ‘it’ was intended to become.
Now often we don’t “intend” for thoughts to become things. However, this LAW is inescapable. We can not THINK AND SEND OUT DESTRUCTIVE THOUGHT FORMS TO OTHERS and expect to get flowers delivered to our doorstep, while we are handing out intentions of treacle to others.
If we hand out treacle, then treacle we shall also have for ourselves.
If we hand out harsh words to others, then harsh words shall be returned to us.
If we hand out sneaky, judgementalism and criticism then those too shall be returned to us as they were dished out and received by those to whom they were intended.
If we hand out kindness and generosity and genuine care and concern for the well being of others then THIS TOO shall be returned and experienced as a reaping of your own harvest.
What a wonderful thing it is to know that WE CAN DECIDE OUR OWN FUTURES by our own thoughts, words and actions. What a wonderful thing to know that as you do good for others, so will others do good for you. As you give care and concern to others, so will others give care and concern to you. As long as you expect and wait joyfully for it to be returned.
Our Universe operates off of BELIEF MADE VISIBLE. What one believes they will manifest into their own world. Therefore look DEEP and find all the beliefs that are not in alignment with the perfection of the pure love of the divine and work day by day to eliminate them. It is only then that true connection with ones source of being can be felt and experienced and every need will be fulfilled.
We have freewill, it’s free…but is it really?
No there is not some God on high, sitting in a chair, who hates your enemies as you do, that wants you to kill his own beautiful creation to atone for your own sinning, that wants to place ‘your enemies’ – to which he loves equal to you- beneath your feet- that is going to come down and strike at you if you don’t use that ‘freewill’ to the best of your ability. There is however, laws of the universe and they will ensure that you get what you give so as to not upset the natural balance of things.
Our freewill is our ability to choose ANYTHING for ourselves. We can choose high vibrational thoughts, words and actions- which return to us more of the same. We can also choose low vibrational thoughts, words and actions which will return to us more of the same.
Our thoughts are electric and through the process of electromagnetism they return back to us. So yes, we have ‘freewill’ and can choose and do whatever we wish. Through our electric thoughts being returned through magnetism to us- WE REAP AS WE SOW. What we cast out through thought, word and action is inescapable through the laws of electromagnetism- the law of cause and effect.
*Electromagnetism is the two-fold energies of ‘bonding and rejection’- energy impulses which have brought stability and order into chaos.
*There is nothing that electromagnetism has brought into visible being which the human mind can deem to be lacking purpose or meaning.
*Science speaks about electromagnetism but cannot say from whence come such energies which appear and disappear. Where do they go? Why do they come back?
*Science says that electromagnetism ‘just is’- a simple fact of existence – yet it produces highly purposeful and intelligent work in the form of millions of billions of substances of which the universe is made. How does this happen?
Did you know that the only difference in the cells producing your hair and that of your scalp is in the intelligently designed work that they perform, second by second throughout a lifetime? If there was no ‘consciousness’ present within the ‘cell’ how would it now how to perform its intelligent work?
How do the cells “know” which nutrition to select to take into the cell for its wellbeing and health and which to excrete? How do these cells, invisible to the human eye, perform their work perfectly for millions and billions of years? Is there not an impulse of purposefulness apparent in this process?
*When creating a kidney, they do not all of the sudden make an ear.
*Science will tell you it is the almighty DNA- your supreme leader, your director of creation upon which materialistic, flimsy cells and the whole of creation must depend for its survival. Behold the glorious DNA- LORD OF YOUR CREATION!!
*From whence did the DNA cells draw their INTELLIGENT DIRECTIONAL POWERS?
*BEHIND AND WITHIN EVERY LIVING THING IS CONSCIOUSNESS- Where there is life there is consciousness and where there is consciousness there IS life.
This intelligently and purposefully designed universe in which we live was created through consciousness.
If we were to ask science “At what point is consciousness first discernable?” what do you think they would say?
We could ask about the cells who do their intelligently designed and purposeful work day after day. Replicating themselves billions and billions of times. Taking in selected nutrition and excreting toxic waste as to be able to perform its duties for a lifetime. Doing ‘only’ its intended work for the wellbeing of the individual. Ok, now, If it was deemed that ‘yes” consciousness is present in the cells. Then we could ask “Is consciousness discernible in electrical particles which agitated at high speeds within ‘space’ and take on density and bring together visible matter?
*Science cannot tell you what is the MOTIVATING FORCE which draws particles into the form of elements. Yet they are drawn together in a purposeful and intelligent way. Neither can science tell you from whence such energy particles originated. They will say they were released during the “Big Bang” which they believe gave the first impetus to creation.
*Why a sudden ‘Big Bang’ – of what? - What was the motivating force behind it?
*Science ignores this most basic and vital level of creation. Without an answer to this question, as to why everything which has been brought into visible manifestation by the activity of the twin energies of electromagnetism is invariably purposeful, successful and rational- nothing of any value in the search for your origins will be discovered.
Yes, science can prove things with devices they have made they themselves made. Assuming only the 5 senses are involved and not some outside motivating force- intelligently holding it all together.
But enough about science in which there is not yet spiritual life. Until some brave enlightened scientist dares to challenge science on its principals there will be no scientific progress.
I do not say any of this to make anyone feel bad. This is not my wish. It is my wish for you to understand this fact of existence.
I have been lead off the path this year. I was not taking the time I should have been. Yes I would connect basically daily but this was not enough. It needed to be more intentional and less ‘of the world’.
Seek nothing other than that which has given you being. Look for fulfilment in nothing else but ‘IT’ and ‘IT’ shall sustain you.
PODCAST LINK to the episode that goes along with this blog post.