Game Changer Experience

Up your level of Golf by mastering the state of flow

“I’ve been a high performing athlete and pushed myself in that area my whole life. Playing and excelling in many of the things I took on in the physical aspects of my life. With the exception of one difficult decade in my life.

After many years of inner work with Michelle, I recently achieved one of my dreams winning a gold medal in the Pan American Championships in Brazilian Jiu jitsu!! A once in a lifetime accomplishment!

From shooting low golf scores consistently to helping heal and emotionally get through injuries. Michelle and her work has helped me with them all in deep ways.

Listen to me. I’m 43 years old today. Not some young extremely talented person. A regular guy.

If you are looking to find a way to master your mind and become better in any area of your life, book a consultation with Michelle. She will intuitively help you achieve things that the old you didn’t think was possible. I couldn’t have achieved this without her. “

Improve your Golf game with Hypnosis


How does it work?

Hypnosis is a state that you go in and out of several times a day. You can probably relate to highway hypnosis. You are driving, find yourself day dreaming, probably coming up with good ideas, and you arrive at your destination not remembering passing certain landmarks or signs etc. This is called highway hypnosis. This state is called the Theta state, it happens when your brain waves slow down. You also go into this state a couple minutes before you fall asleep, the state where all your genius ideas come from. We use this relaxed, yet aware state, to create the changes that you want.

You KNOW what it’s like to be in the FLOW. You hit shot after shot and feel like you can’t miss. This is called “being in flow.”

Using Hypnosis techniques, we ANCHOR this feeling into your subconscious. We do this by using a golf club as the anchor. You’ll need to bring a club with you to the group, or private session if you prefer a private setting. When we anchor something, it sets it deep in the subconscious mind so you can recall it when you need it. Think of scents as anchors. Have you ever smelled something and immediately a certain feeling or memory comes to mind? This is known as an anchor. When working with golfers we use your golf club as the anchor for FLOW. This way, when you grab your club in the future and feel it in your hands, that feeling of FLOW comes back, shot after shot after shot.

You may Know what its like to have a BAD SHOT and have it RUIN the rest of your GAME or at least the rest of the shots on that hole.

Using hypnosis techniques, you will be able to LET GO of that BAD SHOT quickly and easily, so you can bring your head back into the game where it needs to be. This technique will help you on and off the course. We will learn and use a simple and yet effect method that can reduce stress, anger and frustration almost instantly. You can use this technique on and off the golf course.

You may already know that golf is a game of not only skill but FEELING. This is why when you put PRESSURE on yourself, it tends to be counterproductive. Sometimes the days that don’t matter end up being your best game because there is no PRESSURE in play.

Using hypnosis techniques, we relieve you from that pressure. This won’t only affect your golf game but you can take these wonderful subconscious tools into the work place or your home life as well. As we drain the pressure from your life you can enjoy every moment of your game!

Have you ever spent your round being more concerned about what everyone around you is thinking about you and your golf game that day?

This can be remedied in several ways using hypnosis. Over the couple of sessions that we will be meeting your confidence will boost and your “give a dam” about what others think will be busted. We will bring the fun back into the game.

Have you ever felt like you have a block in your game? You just can’t seem to get back in the groove?

This is easily remedied as all blocks that we have are subconscious blocks. If this is the specific issue that you are experiencing I would recommend going with private sessions as each individuals blocks are personal to them. Hypnosis is scientifically proven to be the fastest way to change the pathways in your brain. This means just a couple of sessions ( Maybe even just one) and you should be set to go again!

There are a couple ways that you can have this Game Changing Experience.

 First option: There will be a GROUP GAME CHANGER Experience held for 3 consecutive weeks. The location and dates will be announced and is open to however many participants can fit in the space that is available. The sessions each week will be around 45-60 minutes per session.

Second option: Private one on one sessions are available. These private sessions are different than a group as we address your specific areas of need as well as address any subconscious blocks that may be in place, we also address areas of stress, anxiety or depression in your everyday life.

If you are interested in booking a private session please scroll down and click the link to fill out the intake form. For more information visit The Real Healing Institute’s page for pricing, what to expect and all of the services offered by The Real Healing Institute.

Michelle Sinclair owner and operator of the Real Healing Institute

About Michelle Sinclair

Michelle is an author and the owner and operator of The Real Healing Institute. Michelle is a Board Certified Hypnosis Instructor under the International Certification Board of Clinical Hypnotherapists. Michelle is also a proud member of the IMDHA, the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association. Since 2015 she has been running private and group sessions with massive rapid success. Most of her clients needing only a few (1-3) sessions for total relief from their issues.


Sports hypnosis successes- Michelle works with golfers of all ages who live and breathe golf. She has helped them to overcome many of the areas of stress in their golf games, leading to more success. She has helped hockey players go from house league status to the NHL. She has also worked with provincial (Michelle is Canadian by the way!) water polo teams, helping them reduce fear and increase focus in the pool. Michelle has worked with many Brazilian Jiu Jitsu competitors who have competed and won in World competitions.


Michelle’s private hypnosis practice, focuses on Regression Therapy. This is taking your subconscious mind back to the original cause of the issue, resolving and healing it. This has proved to have massive rapidly successful outcomes. Hypnosis can help with a variety of issues such as: anxiety, depression, increased confidence, focus, stress and pressure, sports achievement, motivation, habit breaking and much more.